Packers and Shippers of fresh Produce

Fruit Logistica

Choose Greece’s Best at Fruit Logistica!

Over 60,000 trade visitors from 135 countries attending FRUIT LOGISTICA events. This exhibition is the gathering of importers and exporters, Fruit and vegetable producers, Wholesalers and retailers, Packaging and handling specialists, Transport and logistic specialists and more!

GEFRA always gives presence, and we are looking forward to see you.

Fruit Logistica 2017

Fruit Logistica 2016

A unique global event for the fresh produce industry was experienced in Berlin over the past three days by more than 70,000 trade visitors from over 130 countries. Thanks to all exhibitors and visitors for their participation in FRUIT LOGISTICA and we hope to see you again next year!

Fruit Logistica 2015

For three whole days, FRUIT LOGISTICA provides: *** Fresh ideas for your business *** a meeting place for international top decision makers *** an overview of current trends in the industry ***

Fruit Logistica 2014

For three whole days, FRUIT LOGISTICA provides: *** Fresh ideas for your business *** a meeting place for international top decision makers *** an overview of current trends in the industry ***